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Boss GT-100 COSM Amp Effects Processor
62.990 RSD sa PDV-om
Amp Effects Processor
- Description
Boss GT-100 donosi vrhunska pojačala i efekte, od vintage do modernog sa unapređenom fleksibilnošću. Sa novim apdejtovanim GT-100 Version 2.0 Boss-ov vrhunski multi efekt procesor je postao moćniji nego što je bio. Obogaćen sa još dva tipa pojačala, MDP efektima, simulatorom akustične gitare i poboljšanim rotary efektom, ovaj procesor nudi i Guitar-to-MIDI funkciju.
- Advanced COSM amps that model vintage classics and deliver highly expressive tones
- Dual LCDs and panel knobs offer simple and intuitive operation, with direct access to every parameter
- EZ Tone feature with graphical Tone Grid for constructing new patches, plus Amp Customize and OD/DS Customize functions for easily creating original sounds
- Unique Accel pedal provides simultaneous control of multiple parameters
- Powerful A/B Channel Divider for creating dual amp and effects chains that can be blended together or toggled by footswitch, frequency, or picking strengthGT-100 Version 2.0—Newly Added Features
- Two new amp models: BGNR UB Metal and ORNG Rock Reverb
- New MDP effects powered by innovative BOSS technology: Tera Echo, Overtone, and A-DIST
- Rotary 2 and Acoustic Guitar Simulator effects types added
- Monophonic guitar-to-MIDI conversion from normal 1/4-inch guitar input
- Enhanced USB audio/MIDI interface with multi-channel operation for flexible recording and efficient re-amping
- Support for BOSS TONE STUDIO editor/librarian for Mac/Windows and new GT-100 Version 2.0 patches, available for free at bosstonecentral.com
- Version 2.0 software available as a free download for all GT-100 owners